Be Your Best & Join the N.E.S.T.
Use your skills to help your neighbors!
Join New England Support Team.
Your cost? $0-only your support.
Come be part of something bigger than
yourself! N.E.S.T is bringing hope to those who have lost
everything through natural disasters in our country. The New
England Support Team is pooling together contractors from all
over country; organizing regional support teams of licensed
professionals in localities where disaster have struck.
Together they develop a strategy to help
Americans rebuild their homes and lives.
Wholesale distributor F.W. Webb has joined the cause and are a
major sponsor.
One example of how N.E.S.T. members help.
Board member George D’Astous received a call recently for help
with a disaster that occurred in Lawrence MA.
On September 13, 2018, excessive pressure
in natural gas lines owned by Columbia Gas caused a series of
explosions and fires occurred in as many as 40 homes, with over
80 individual fires, in the Merrimack Valley, Massachusetts
towns of Lawrence, Andover, and North Andover.
Restoration of gas service to the 8,600
affected customers requires replacement of about 48 miles of gas
pipeline, which Columbia gas expected to accomplish by November
19, 2018. The company started hiring about 200 temporary workers
for the recovery effort.
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