N.E.S.T Fall Music Festival Sponsorship
Platinum Sponsorship: $10,000.00: Prime banner on
display. Radio, newspaper, Facebook, Website, etc.
advertisement. 20 entrance tickets, 10 reserved parking tickets
in the VIP section, 20 beer tickets & a “Thank You”
Gold Sponsorship: $5,000.00: Name on banner (Large Print)
Radio, newspaper, Facebook, Website, etc. advertisement. 10
entrance tickets, 5 reserved parking tickets in the VIP section,
10 beer tickets & a “Thank You” advertisement.
Silver Sponsorship: $2,500.00: Name on banner, Radio,
newspaper, Facebook, Website, etc. advertisement. 4 entrance
tickets, 2 reserved parking tickets in the VIP section, 4 beer
tickets & a “Thank You” advertisement
Relief Sponsorship: $1,000.00: Name on banner, Radio,
newspaper, Facebook, Website, etc. advertisement. “Thank You”
NEST Supporter: Name on signage and a “Thank You”
Please contact us with questions or
James Sobon, Special Events Manager at (413) 563-7018 or
Thank you for your support! Please note that the portion of
your contribution that is tax-deductible.
Download the sponsorship commitment form.